Advantage Plus One Display Board

Last updated: 08/22/2022

Please Note: Display boards featuring parts from our Advantage Plus by Berenson collections were refreshed in 2020 to reflect an updated offering of styles and finishes.

Due to this, the display board is no longer available and some parts in this collection have been marked discontinued. The parts have limited quantities and will be available while supplies last.

Please contact our Customer Service Team for more information and stock quantities available.

  local_phone (800) 333-0578

Look for the colored dots to indicate the availability status of discontinued parts.
Parts without a colored dot are still actively available.

( ) Limited Quantities, available while supplies last
( ) Out of Stock, no longer available

Squared End Champagne Pull 3inch CC Length

Squared End Pull 3 inch CC Length
Length featured in Brushed Nickel, Rust Glaze, Verona Bronze, and Weathered Nickel on display board.

Brushed Nickel1786-1BPN-P
Matte Black9197-1055-P
Rust Glaze1789-1RGZ-P
Verona Bronze9342-10VB-P
Weathered Nickel9343-10WN-P

Rounded End Matte Black Pull 3inch CC Length

Rounded End Pull 3 inch CC Length
Length featured in Brushed Nickel, Rust Glaze, Verona Bronze, and Weathered Nickel on display board.

Brushed Nickel1738-1BPN-P
Matte Black9196-1055-P
Rust Glaze1741-1RGZ-P
Verona Bronze9344-10VB-P
Weathered Nickel9345-10WN-P

Round Brushed Nickel Knob

Spade End Pull 3 inch CC Length
Length featured in Brushed Nickel, Rust Glaze, Verona Bronze, and Weathered Nickel on display board.

Brushed Nickel1744-1BPN-P
Matte Black9186-1055-P
Rust Glaze1747-1RGZ-P
Verona Bronze9346-10VB-P
Weathered Nickel9350-10WN-P

Rimmed Weathered Nickel Knob

Rimmed Knob
Length featured in Brushed Nickel, Rust Glaze, Verona Bronze, and Weathered Nickel on display board.

Brushed Nickel1756-1BPN-P
Matte Black9341-1055-P
Rust Glaze1759-1RGZ-P
Verona Bronze9336-10VB-P
Weathered Nickel9337-10WN-P

Round Brushed Nickel Knob

Round Knob
Length featured in Brushed Nickel, Rust Glaze, Verona Bronze, and Weathered Nickel on display board.

Brushed Nickel0913-1BPN-P
Matte Black9021-1055-P
Rust Glaze9340-1RGZ-P
Verona Bronze9338-10VB-P
Weathered Nickel9339-10WN-P